What an amazing response today!
I’m totally floored by the overwhelming show of support for our family, but mostly for all the men and women in the armed forces and their families. People are really wonderful and it’s so great to witness this firsthand. I hope that more people have discovered the fun and comfort a Flat Daddy or Mommy can bring to families.
First and foremost, thanks to everyone. I’m just a regular chick who has a regular job and a regular family(and an unhealthy cosmetics obsession) who decided to try and keep in touch with her husband while he was gone. The idea grew a little when I added our family, and a little more when I added our friends, and then, well, it looks like it’s taken on a life of it’s own. Life, ha, that’s a little joke there. Get it, because it’s a piece of foam? No? okay then…
I had grandiose plans of responding to each and every comment. As the hit count started rising and the comments were coming in faster than I could approve them I realized that might not be as easy as it sounds. I have a day off coming up soon and I hope to catch up then, so be patient with me and keep those comments comin’!